
Garbage Management System for Swacha Bharat Abiyan

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Garbage Management System for Swacha Bharat Abiyan



      Rapid increase in population, has led to improper waste management in metropolitan cities resulting in increased pests and spreading of diseases. A Waste is defined as any material that is not useful and represents no economic value to its owner, the waste generator. Depending on the physical state of waste, they are categorized as solid, liquid and gaseous. Improper waste management and disposal causes serious impact on health, leading to the spread of infectious diseases and problems to the surrounding environment. Organic domestic wastes pose a serious threat, since they ferment, creating favorable conditions for the survival and growth of microbial pathogens. Exposure to hazardous waste affects human health, children being more vulnerable to these pollutants. Uncollected solid waste obstructs storm water runoff, resulting in the formation of stagnant water bodies that becomes breeding grounds of diseases. Waste dumped near a water source causes contamination of the water body and the ground water source. Direct dumping of untreated wastes in rivers, seas and lakes results in the accumulation of toxic substances in the food chain through the plants and animals. Waste treatment and disposal sites create health hazards for the neighborhood causing air pollution and attracting all types of insects and rodents that spread disease. 

       In this project, a model has been proposed in which the collection of garbage is made real time. A network is established using wireless sensor nodes with each dustbin attached to a sensor circuitry, sensor consist of ultrasonic sensor will be placed on the garbage bin or dustbin. When the weight reaches to the threshold value i,e. upto ultrasonic range, a sms will be sent to the respective Municipal / Government authority person. Then that person can send the collection vehicle to collect the full garbage bins or dustbins. If garbage does not collect within the two hours then again message to be send to the municipal/government authority. Gas sensor is also used to sense the gas and again send sms to the municipal authority. E.g. suppose people through lead acid battery in the dustbin and if battery will destroy then some gas will be leak. So gas sensor will sense these gases and send sms to the municipal authority. Fire sensor will also use in this system. If fire is detected in the garbage, then fire will sense by the fire sensor, and again message will send to municipal.       

Block Diagram

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