
Automatic Traffic Camera Control For Vehicles Breaking Traffic Rules

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Price :7500

Automatic Traffic Camera Control For Vehicles Breaking Traffic Rules



Traffic control is a very difficult task for traffic control department, especially in metro cities. This project is designed to control a camera, whenever a vehicle breaks the traffic rules. Using IR sensor, the vehicles are monitored with reference to the traffic light indicators. Whenever a RED light is ON, the IR LED transmitter and receiver pair also will be ON. If a vehicle exceeds the control line on the road, after RED light is on, the microcontroller switches on a camera, and the images are stored in Windows Media Video file (wmv) format.


The authority can monitor the video images on any computer for issuing e- Chelan. A buzzer is provided for audio acknowledgment of camera record ON. Whenever a vehicle exceedsthe control line on RED signal, the system acknowledges it by a short beep sound. This buzzer is driven by a PNP transistor. This project is designed with AT89S52 MCU. A 16 X 2 LCD is provided to display the camera condition. In this project only one camera is interfaced, for one routeout of four routs of a signal point.


This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminalvoltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac outputof secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.


Block Diagram

Electronics Projects