
IOT based Gas Leakage Detection system project using Arduino

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IOT based Gas Leakage Detection system project using Arduino



Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is nowadays commonly used in households, industries and other places as it is very convenient, affordable and eco-friendly and less hazardous than its other alternatives. It has proven to be one of the most reliable and easily controlled fuels. It is supplied to various places in cylinders or pipelines.

Hence, it can leak both as a liquid and as a gas if it is not handled cautiously. Accidents and disasters related to LPG gas leakage are not unheard of. These leakage accidents can cause huge fire and explosion.

These accidents are caused usually caused due to negligence and careless handling of the gas. If the gas leakage is not detected in the early stages, then it can lead to a very big disaster, as nowadays we can find the supply of LPG gas in almost every household. So, a lot of people have to face danger in case of such catastrophe.

In this Gas leakage detection system project, we propose an Arduino and IoT based gas leakage detection system, which will help in detecting any gas leakage with the help of MQ5 gas sensor and send this data over the internet to the IoT module. So in this way we can detect gas leakage in the early stages and prevent it from future accidents.

This Arduino device is connected to the IOT module over Wi-Fi. The maximum and minimum parameters of the gas can be set in the device accordingly.

The device will continuously monitor the level of gas in the surrounding air with the help of MQ6 gas sensor. While monitoring any abnormal reading is found, which is more than the set parameters of the maximum level that can be present in the air, the RGB LED lights will glow red and instantly the solenoid value will turn off and these readings will be transferred over the IoT module and the user will be alerted about this leakage.

Once the gas leakage is detected, the buzzer is turned ON and a ‘Leakage detected’ message is displayed on the LCD. If the values of the gas present in the air is within the set parameters, then the RGB lights glow green.

Therefore, with the help of this project, we can easily detect LPG gas leakage with the help of IOT and Arduino and prevent any hazardous accident.

Block Diagram

Electronics Projects