
Arduino Based Load Prevention System for Heavy Load Vehicle

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Arduino Based Load Prevention System for Heavy Load Vehicle 


This project introduces an innovative Vehicle Overload Detection and Prevention System based on Arduino technology, designed to address the challenges associated with overloaded vehicles. Overloaded vehicles pose significant safety risks, increase wear and tear on infrastructure, and violate regulations. The proposed system utilizes a combination of load sensors, an Arduino microcontroller, and actuators to dynamically monitor and prevent vehicle overloading in real-time.

The core of the system is an Arduino microcontroller, which interfaces with strategically placed load sensors integrated into the vehicle's chassis. These sensors continuously measure the weight distribution and overall load of the vehicle during operation. The Arduino processes this data in real-time and triggers an alarm or takes preventive action when an overload condition is detected.

To prevent further movement when an overload is identified, the system employs actuators to engage a mechanism that restricts the vehicle's operation, such as limiting throttle input or applying brakes. Simultaneously, the system sends alerts to designated authorities or vehicle operators via wireless communication modules, ensuring immediate attention and appropriate action. It sends alert messages to designated authorities or vehicle operators when an overload is detected.

Block Diagram

Electronics Projects