
Bluetooth Control Bridge Making Robot

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Bluetooth Control Bridge Making Robot


Robotic systems for construction applications have advanced dramatically over the past few years. Automated systems were initially developed to reduce labor requirements, shorten construction time, reduce costs, and improve quality. Bridges are essential in transport infrastructure worldwide. There are over 30,000 road and rail bridges across India. Bridge maintenance or replacement is one of the largest expenditure items in traffic infrastructure development and maintenance. This project presents the research on and development of a robotic system for stripping rust from steel bridges, with the ultimate objective of preventing human exposure to hazardous and dangerous debris (containing rust, paint particles, lead and/or asbestos), relieving human workers from labor intensive tasks and reducing costs associated with bridge maintenance. The robot system design, the key research challenges and enabling technologies and system development are discussed in detail. Research results obtained so far and discussions on some key issues are also presented.

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Electronics Projects