
Electronic Passport and the Future of Government Issued RFID Based Identification

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Electronic Passport and the Future of Government Issued RFID Based Identification



          Security is a growing issue in international travel for both travelers and governments. Some countries however, are beginning to require passport verification to help improve the security efforts for travel abroad. It's an important issue with the potential for criminals and terrorists to travel between countries with fake or forged documentation. The more effort those countries, universities and other organizations put into verifying the identity of foreign nationals, the better the chance of keeping criminals and terrorists from entering a country and causing problems. As technology improves, it is becoming easier to verify the citizenship documentation of individuals.

        Very often, one of the main reasons that people travel between countries is for educational purposes. Some universities require passport verification for immigrant student before they are allowed to enroll and attend. This is done to help ensure the safety of fellow, students, staff and university visitors. There is risk involved in allowing illegal immigrants to attend colleges and university since there would be no way to definitively determine their true identities. Without verification, it would be easy for international criminals or terrorists to infiltrate the educational system. In the past, terrorists have used information learned in colleges, aviation schools, etc. in order to carry out terrorist attacks. 

         The main aim of this project is to design innovative hardware and software, which deals with passport authority management. The motto of the project is to simplify the job of the security people and to have flawless passport verification system. In this the details of the person would be fed into the RFID cards (passports in RFID form). The RFID reader reads the details of the RFID passport and sends the data wirelessly with the help of ZigBee transceiver. On the other side the other ZigBee receiver receives the details and sends to the microcontroller. Here, the controllers compares with the data already there. If it matches than the person is allowed, less he would be termed as a criminal by giving an alarm/buzzing signal.

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Electronics Projects