
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi Pico

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Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi Pico


Internet of Things (IoT) plays a pivotal part in our mundane daily life by controlling electronic devices using networks. The controlling is done by minutely observing the important parameters which generate vital pieces of information concerning the functioning of these electronic devices. Simultaneously, this information will transmit these vital statistics from the transmitting device as well as save the same on the cloud to access by the applications and supplementary procedures to use them. This scrutiny associates the outcomes of the environmental observances like the humidity and temperature measurements using sensors. The gathered information could be profitably used to produce actions like distantly dominant cooling, heating devices, or long-term statistics, which will be useful to control the same with Raspberry Pi Pico, DHT11 sensor device. The experimental results show the live temperature and humidity. 

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Electronics Projects