
Garbage Monitoring System Using IOT

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Garbage Monitoring System using IOT




We are living in an age where tasks and systems are fusing together with the power of IOT to have a more efficient system of working and to execute jobs quickly! With all the power at our finger tips this is what we have come up with. The Internet of Things (IOT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different systems, while providing data for millions of people to use and capitalize. Now a days, the major problems that world is facing today is waste management.  Most of the times  it is  seen that the waste  is been  spilled over  the bins  and lying  nearby.  This lead to spreading of  some deadly  diseases  in  the  surrounding environment. Also, people find it difficult to walk beside with it. All  these  problems are due  to  lack of  coordination  and communication among  the garbage team members. Also  the study has revealed that the waste management can be far more efficient  if  the  garbage is  segregated  at source  and  then disposed in dumping grounds separately. Thus, there is a big need to have a proper waste management. Considering the above issues, this project proposes   system, which will try to reduce these problems to a greater extent. The fundamental purpose of a garbage level monitoring system is to help the municipal services to pick the trash at the right time before a garbage bin overflows and cause discomfort to general public using IOT. This data related to bin level is sent to a server over internet  where the system processes the real time data and raises alerts to manage the collection of Waste. Gas sensor is also used to sense the gas and again send data to the municipal authority. E.g. suppose people through lead acid battery in the dustbin and if battery will destroy then some gas will be leak. So gas sensor will sense these gases and send data to the municipal authority. Fire sensor will also use in this system. If there is fire in the garbage, then fire will sense by the fire sensor, and again message will send to municipal. The proposed system also takes care of long time goal of identifying the pattern of waste generation at various localities. This data collected by the system can be used to further plan the effective measures to reduce the waste mismanagement and to maintain cleaner environment. 

Block Diagram

Electronics Projects