
Smart Elevator Power Generator: Harnessing Motion for Electricity

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Smart Elevator Power Generator: Harnessing Motion for Electricity


Imagine an elevator not only lifting people but also generating power as it moves. This abstract introduces an innovative Elevator Power Generator (EPG) that does just that. By integrating a generator into the elevator's mechanics, this system captures the energy produced during descent and converts it into usable electricity. With simple yet efficient technology, the EPG contributes to sustainable energy solutions by utilizing the motion of everyday vertical transportation. A system to generate electricity by moving vehicles (V) from ground level with an elevator (E) using their potential energy, which is converted into kinetic energy to drive an electric generator (GE). This electricity is used directly or is stored in battery banks for later use. Counterweights (W, W1, etc) acquire potential energy which is subsequently converted by coupling them to the generator (GE).This abstract highlights the potential of EPGs to not only reduce energy consumption but also to provide a renewable source of power, making elevators not just a means of transportation but also contributors to a greener future. 

          The need of technology for increasing luxury in lifestyle is growing at very fast rate. The elevators, used to avoid climbing the stairs is growing demand world-wide. But some multi-stored building can’t afford generator or battery charged by external source. This problem can be avoided by using Rack & Pinion arrangement in elevator that can charge the battery to avoid the problem faced during electricity cut-off. This system is used to make elevator regenerative for backup. The pinion arrangement is done on the cage and Rack is attached vertically on height of the wall.

Block Diagram