
Android Based Boiler Parameter Measuring and Control

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Android Based Boiler Parameter Measuring and Control


The need for power generation in India increases day by day due to various factors. Nearly 70% of the power production is from the thermal power plants in various locations of the country. Monitoring and control of these power plants at all times is a must, since these power plants are operated continuously. Boiler is the major part of any thermal power plant. Hence monitoring the boiler parameters such as temperature and humidity are of great importance in power plant. It is not always possible for continuous monitoring in the plant premises because of an unpleasant industrial environment. In this project it is proposed to develop remote monitoring and control of boiler parameters using wireless communication. The proposed method provides a complete solution for these constraints in remote monitoring by using various sensors for temperature, and humidity measurement. This method uses Android as the platform of communication. The proposed method also provides an option for monitoring and control even in remote location in addition to the control room. Android will play a major role in the future concept of power plant integration. The proposed method will suit and provide a start-up initiation for this future concept.

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