
Contactless Switch for Load Switching

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Price :6500

Contactless Switch for Load Switching



Smartphones are the new craze and they have made life easier than ever. They are portable and always in the pockets. This portability of smartphones has led the marketers and the designers to develop services and solutions around the mobile domain. There are apps to shop online, do banking, trade stocks and uncountable day to day tasks. Then how can home automation systems remain isolated from the mobile technology!

In this project, contactless switch (Bluetooth based) system is designed which can be controlled by any smartphone. The automation system connects with the smartphone through Bluetooth. 

The project is built on Arduino UNO and is used to control Light & fan and four home appliances connected to the Arduino through relays. The Arduino board is interfaced to an HC-05 Bluetooth module to pair with the smart phone. 

Block Diagram